Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010


winzip is a softewere to convert a file, so the file size becomes smaller. In the files already on the convert the file will be protected from various kinds of threats that result in the file is a virus, trojans, worms, etc..

files that have been converted to *. zip files can also be given to more secure passwords in a file storage. large files that are converted can be half the original file, even smaller, but of course requires more time to mengkonvertnya.

From version 6.0 until version 9.0, registered users could download the newest versions of the software, enter their original registration information or install over the top of their existing registered version, and thereby obtain a free upgrade. As of version 10.0 this upgrade scheme was discontinued. WinZip is available in standard and professional versions. However, the ability of Windows XP and later versions of Microsoft Windows to open and create .zip files (as "compressed folders") has reduced the need for extra compression software.

In May 2006, Corel Corporation, known for its WordPerfect and CorelDRAW product lines, announced that it has completed acquisition of WinZip Computing.

WinZip has a 45-day free evaluation period, after which the program would still work even if the user had not registered, albeit with reduced functionality. However in later versions this feature appears to have been removed, although users are able to bypass this by downloading an earlier version.

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