Kamis, 18 Maret 2010


ACDSee is a shareware image viewer and organizer software for Microsoft Windows developed by ACD Systems. It was originally distributed as a 16-bit applications for Windows 3.0 and later replaced by 32-bit version for Windows 95.
Photo Manager

With version ACDSee Photo Manager 2009 (ACDSee 11.0) and ACDSee Pro 2.5 Unicode support has been added. Besides the usual thumbnail viewing of folders and file type conversion, key features of ACDSee include slideshowpresentations, CD/DVD burning, HTML gallery creation, image folder synchronization, photo sharing sites uploading (Flickr, Smugmug and SendPix) and editing/indexing of image metadata such as Exif. It is also possible to do minor image manipulation like cropping, scaling and rotating. ACDSee is available in separate versions for English,German, Dutch and French. There is also an enhanced version which is dubbed ACDSee Pro, which adds Raw image format post processing. It has an own version numbering (the current version is 3.0).

Photo Editor

This recently introduced product allows the user to perform tasks such as writing text on image, resizing, embellishments, and creating other visual effects.

Print Studio

FotoSlate 4 Photo Print Studio was designed to aid in the preparation for print. A number of assistants has designed to preview print results without spending too much paper. The application also offers frames and calendar presets.

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