Rabu, 07 April 2010

Nero Burning Rom

Nero Burning Rom is softwere for writing data to both CD discs, DVD, or Blu-ray. using nero, we can also manage the files that we will burn. so it is more neatly in its placement.
we can also copy from disk to disk, so no need to copy it to your hard drive. and can also create a disk image for the fuel at another time.

With easy-to-use Nero StartSmart command center, your digital life has never been more flexible, feasible, and fun.

Nero Highlights:

  • Fast and easy rip, burn, Autobackup, and copy functions
  • Backup files to CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs
  • Copy, burn, share, upload, and create music mixes like a DJ
  • Quick photo and video upload to My Nero and other online communities
  • Watch, record, pause, and customize your live TV experience

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